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Apply black mascara to the lashes. The thickness of mascara eyes,Cheap Jordans, eyelashes, which makes your eyes look, dark and smoky.

After you've finished your eye makeup, nail polish and hair, Slim in a blue jeans and a simple shirt,Wholesale Nike Shoes, a pair of guides usually weird picture and news, as above the image and increasing sincerity, belt use logo in style.

Thus, the first striking thing, you will find is the long straight and side bangs. For this you need the bars straightened hair. Easily in the market, it only takes about 15-20 minutes to get a normal hair straightening a bit. When finished with the straightening of East and West in a regional leave the hair loose to fall aside.

Now, with the aid of black eyeliner to define the upper eyelids. So thin and thick lines. The impact of using one of the largest jet black eyeliner.

# 5 black nail polish

Some people thought it was strange, is the style of talking to others, I think hip, cool and elegant. Yes, I said the way the mobile office e-mail. I think you've seen a lot of people, including children, and Adam Lambert Avril, with straight bangs long face and black eye makeup and black nail polish. These girls and boys in your closet a special place for black. I like to wear long-sleeved shirt and a half cultivation of a simple blue denim shirt. With a lot of black,Nike Shoes Wholesale, in his own unique style wardrobe to speak. It looks attractive and full of fashion. If you also want to try this popular trend, here I have a list of seven essential. To enjoy it as a fad.

# 1 hair straightening rods

# 6 belt rare

# 2 black mascara

Last but not least, ready to rock the lace on the streets of the city of canvas shoes, preferably black. Now, it's quite ready for enchantment. Good luck, man, I'm sure you rock!


# 3 black eyeliner

Their skills and the pain of black nail polish toe. No matter if you have long nails or there. This is a very important part of this look. Therefore, make sure your nails are painted black with beauty.

# 4 black Cole

Cole, who has applied to the definition of a black eye. Use dark black, crows, and anti-spot Cole. Is gone forever, and do not stain, not even the hot sweat. Apply two or three times, until your eyes smoky, dark and clear definition.

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